Movie Player functions

Movie Player   Ver.1.0

Using the Movie Player application, you can play the movie files converted for the CLIÉ handheld on your computer using the Image Converter software.
Play movie files on your CLIÉ handheld
You can play the following movie files with the Movie Player application.
- Movie Player-format movie files recorded on CLIÉ handheld or converted and transferred from your computer using the Image Converter software.
- Movie Player-format movie files converted with the Giga Pocket software supplied with some Sony VAIO computers.
- MPEG Movie-format movie files recorded using Cyber-shot or Handycam.*
* Some MPEG movie files at the high bit rate may not play on the Movie Player application.
You can use other applications with Movie Player to enjoy on your CLIÉ handheld
CLIE Viewer: You can find and playback movie files.
CLIE Mail: You can attach a movie file to an e-mail message.
This feature is only available when you have the CLIE Mail application installed on your CLIÉ handheld.
You do not need to install Movie Player on your CLIÉ handheld
The Movie Player application is pre-installed at the factory.
“Memory Stick” media: You need a “Memory Stick” media to store the movie files.