CLIE Organizer - To Do List menu items
The following items appear when you tap Menu on your CLIÉ™ handheld.
This section describes the menu commands specific to To Do List. For menu items common to other CLIE applications, see “Common menu items” in the Handbook provided with your CLIÉ™ handheld.
Record menu
Delete Item
Deletes the current To Do item. [Details]
Attach Note
Adds notes to the current To Do item.
Delete Note
Deletes notes from the current To Do item.
Allows you to delete the completed items from To Do List. Run this command to save memory if there are too many To Do items stored on your CLIÉ™ handheld.
The Purge dialog box is displayed.
Tap OK to delete the completed items.
•  You cannot purge the completed To Do List item whose lower To Do List item is not completed.
•  When you tap the check box for "Save archive copy on PC" selected, the deleted items will be saved to the CLIE Organizer for PC software on your computer during the next HotSync® operation.
To view the saved data, start CLIE Organizer for PC on your computer. Choose File, then Open Archive.
Beam Item
Beams the current To Do List item and its lower To Do List items via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Send Item
Sends the current To Do List items and its lower To Do List items using the Bluetooth® wireless technology. [Details]
(for models containing the Bluetooth® wireless technology only)
Beam Category
Beams all the To Do List items whose category is the same as the current category via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Send Category
Sends all the To Do List items in the current category using the Bluetooth® wireless technology. [Details]
(for models containing the Bluetooth® wireless technology only)
Options menu
You can select a desired font in the Select Font dialog box.
Changes the display items and text color on the List view. [Details]
Protects the data on CLIE Organizer - To Do List. For details, see "Protecting your data with a password" in Handbook.
CLIE Organizer Prefs
Displays the CLIE Organizer Prefs dialog box.
•  Assign to Home: Starts CLIE Organizer.
•  Back select tab: Press the Back button to change the selected tab.
About CLIE Organizer
Shows the version information for CLIE Organizer.