Viewing To Do List items
You can check the items you recorded in To Do List.
On the CLIE Launcher screen, rotate the Jog Dial navigator to select To Do List.
Or, tap To Do List on the CLIE Launcher screen. You can also start the application by pressing the To Do List button on the front panel.
The To Do List screen appears.
Rotate the Jog Dial navigator to select the To Do List item that contains the note you want to view.
Press the Jog Dial navigator.
The notes of the selected item are displayed. If the item does not fit on the screen, rotate the Jog Dial navigator to scroll the screen.
Press the Jog Dial navigator.
The To Do List box reappears or tap Done to return to the To Do List screen.
Viewing To Do List items by category
Press the Jog Dial navigator when To Do List is displayed but no To Do item is selected.
Or, Press the To Do List button on the front panel.
Each time you press the Jog Dial navigator or the To Do List button, the display switches through all the available categories.
The categories with no entries are skipped as you switch through the categories.
To select the desired category from the categories list
Tap the arrow at the upper right corner of the screen to display the category list and select the desired category.