Browsing Webpages 

NetFront runs programs called "scripts" on Webpage, which enables Webpages to display a variety of styles and functions such as animating content.
NetFront supports JavaScript as a script function. Set whether or not to run JavaScript in the "NetFront Settings" (1/4 [Display/Advanced]) page.

Security and JavaScript
JavaScript starts automatically when you turned it on, occasionally causing a lower security level. Whenever you need a high security, turn it off.
JavaScript starts automatically when you turned it on, occasionally causing a lower security level. Whenever you need a high security, turn it off.

JavaScript That Cannot Be Executed
NetFront supports JavaScript, but cannot handle certain JavaScript functions due to specifications of CLIÉ handheld and Palm OS.
NetFront supports JavaScript, but cannot handle certain JavaScript functions due to specifications of CLIÉ handheld and Palm OS.