Audio Player menu items
The following items appear when you tap Menu on your CLIÉ handheld screen.
This section explains the menu commands specific to the Audio Player application. For menu items common to other CLIÉ applications, see “Common menus” in the Handbook supplied with your CLIÉ handheld.
Tools menu
About Memory Stick Shows the information for the “(MagicGate) Memory Stick” media inserted into your CLIÉ handheld and album information.
MP3 audio files and ATRAC3 audio files in the “MagicGate Memory Stick” media are managed separately as Albums. You cannot play audio files of different formats successively.
If you want to switch the format of the audio files, tap and select a desired album.
About Album Shows the information for the current album.
About Track Shows the information for the currently played or selected track.
Options menu
Transfer Sets your CLIÉ handheld to the transfer mode.
The Transfer Mode screen appears. Other controls will not operate at this time.
Preferences Shows the preference screen.
Enable operation beep: If you want the beep to sound when you use controls, tap to select the check box. However, the tapping sounds will be silenced during audio playback or playback standby.
Enable background play: If you want to continue playing audio files while using other applications, tap to select the check box.* If you want to start playback from the remote control, tap to select the check box. Tap to clear this check box if you want to disable background play.
* You cannot play audio files while using CLIE Camera S, Voice Recorder, Movie Recorder, CLIE Mail, or Movie Player.
Reset PB mode by album change: If you want to reset the playback mode to the factory preset setting when you change the album or the “Memory Stick” media, tap to select the check box.
About Audio Player Shows version information for the Audio Player application.