Saving images
Saving the edited images
When you finish the editing, tap .
The Menu screen appears.
Tap Over-write or Save As.
When you select Over-write, the original image will not be saved. When you select Save As, the edited image will be saved as a new file. Select a format to save the image.
Internal (PGP) :Stores the images in PGP format on your CLIÉ handheld.
MS (PGP) :Stores on a “Memory Stick” media in PGP format.
MS (DCF) :Stores on a “Memory Stick” media in DCF format.
If you have selected Over-write, tap OK.
If you have selected Save As, tap and select a folder from the displayed screen. The edited images are saved. Some images may take longer time to be saved.
If you have selected to save a PGP format image as a new file, edit the file name.
In DCF format, the images are automatically given file names.
Going back to Application Launcher screen
Tap .
The Application Launcher screen appears.
The application remains in the current state the next time you start the CLIE Paint application.