Address Book menu items
The following items appear when you press and hold the Home /Menu button on your CLIÉ handheld.
This section describes the menu commands specific to Address Book. For menu items common to other CLIÉ applications, see “Common menus” in the Handbook supplied with your CLIÉ handheld.
The Record and Options menus differ depending on whether you are displaying the Address List screen or the Address View screen.
Record menu
Delete Address Deletes the current address entry. The Delete Address dialog box appears.
By default, the entry that you delete will be saved to the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software on your computer during the next HotSync(R) operation. To delete the entry completely, deselect the check box () for “Save archive copy on PC” in the Delete Address dialog box.
If the current entry has an image pasted, the image will not be deleted.
Duplicate Address Makes a copy of the current entry and displays the copy in Address Edit so you can make changes to the copied entry. The copy has the same category and attached notes as the original entry.
Beam Category Sends all the address entries in the currently selected category to another CLIÉ handheld via the infrared communications port.
Send Category Sends all the address entries in the currently selected category. Specify the sending method from the displayed Send With dialog box.
Bluetooth: Sends the address entries to another CLIÉ handheld.
Beam Address Sends the currently selected address entry to another CLIÉ handheld via the infrared communications port.
Send Address Sends the currently selected address entry. Specify the sending method from the displayed Send With dialog box.
Bluetooth: Sends the address entry to another CLIÉ handheld.
Dial Beams the phone number information entered on the selected address entry to a GSM mobile phone and dials the phone number. The Dial Number screen appears.
Attach Note Adds comments to the current address entry. Choosing this menu opens up a screen for entering comments.
Delete Note Deletes comments from the current address entry. Choosing this menu opens up the Delete Note dialog box. Tap Yes to delete comments and No to cancel the delete function.
Select Business Card Defines the current address entry on a business card. A business card icon ( ) is displayed when you set an entry as a business card.
Beam Business Card Sends the current business card to another CLIÉ handheld via the infrared communications port.
You can also send a business card via the infrared communications port by pressing and holding down the Address Book button for longer than 2 seconds.
Option menus
Font You can select a desired font in the Select Font dialog box.
Remember last category: Determines how Address Book appears when you return to it from another application. If you select this check box, Address Book shows the last category you selected. If you clear it, Address Book displays the All category.
Enable Tap-Dialing or Tap-E-Mail-Address:
Dials or jumps to Send with CLIE Mail screen by tapping on the phone number or e-mail address on the Address View screen.
* This menu appears only when the CLIE Mail application is installed to your CLIÉ handheld.
List By:
Specifies listing order of the address entries. You can select to list the entries by last name then first name, or company name then last name.
Rename Custom Fields These custom fields appear at the end of the Address Edit screen. Rename them to identify the kind of information you enter in them. The names you give the custom fields appear in all entries.
Security Hides the current record unless the password is entered. You can select the view option from Show Records, Mask Records, or Hide Records.
About Address Book Shows the version information for Address Book.