Writing and sending a new e-mail message from Address Book

You can specify to write and send a new e-mail message by tapping the e-mail address you registered in your Address Book.

Create an address entry for yourself.
On the Address Book screen, tap Menu , Options, and then select Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box is displayed.

Check "Enable Tap-Dialing or Tap-E-Mail-Address", and then tap OK.
The Address Book screen is displayed.
Tap to select your address entry.
The Address View screen is displayed.
Tap the e-mail address of your recipient.
The Send with CLIE Mail dialog box is displayed.

Enter a subject and body text.
If you want to send the e-mail immediately, tap Send Now. Otherwise, tap Send Later.
•  Send Now: Sends the e-mail immediately.
•  Send Later: Stores the e-mail in the Outbox category. You can send an e-mail stored in the Outbox category by tapping in CLIE Mail. When you want to check the e-mail messages saved in the Outbox category, tap the arrow at the upper-right corner of the screen and select Outbox in CLIE Mail.