Date Book menu items
The following items appear when you tap Menu on your CLIÉ™ handheld.
This section describes the menu commands specific to Date Book. For menu items common to other CLIE applications, see “Common menu items” in the Handbook provided with your CLIÉ™ handheld.
Record menu
New Event Creates a new event. The Set Time dialog box for selecting the start and end times appears.
Delete Event Deletes the currently selected event. The Delete Event dialog box is displayed.
Attach Note Attaches notes to the current event. A dialog box for entering comments is displayed.
Delete Note Deletes notes from the current event. The Delete Note dialog box is displayed.
Purge You can specify a certain period based on the current date and discard any events recorded before the specified date. Use this function to save memory space.
A recurring event cannot be deleted.
By default, the events that you purge will be saved in the CLIE Organizer for PC software and the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software on your computer at the next HotSync® operation. To delete the events permanently, deselect the check box () for “Save archive copy on PC” in the Purge dialog box.
Beam Event Sends the current event to another CLIÉ™ handheld via the infrared communications port.
Options menu
Font You can select a desired font in the Select Font dialog box.
Start/End Time: Defines the start and end times for Date Book screens. If the time slots you select do not fit in the screen, you can tap the scroll arrows to scroll up and down.
Alarm Preset: Automatically sets an alarm for each new event. The silent alarm for untimed events is defined by minutes, days, or hours before midnight of the date of the event.
Alarm Sound: Sets the tone of the alarm.
Remind Me: Defines how many times the alarm sounds. The choices are Once, Twice, 3 Times, 5 Times, and 10 Times.
Play Every: Defines how often the alarm sounds. The choices are one minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes.
Display Options Changes the Date Book’s appearance and which events are displayed.
Day View
Show Time Bars: Shows the time bars in the Day view. The time bars contain events (even if events are overlapped).
Compress Day View: Specifies how times are shown in the Day view. When the Compress Day view is off, all time slots are displayed. When it is on, the start and end times appear for each event, but blank time slots on the bottom of the screen may not be shown.
Month View
Show Timed Events: Displays timed events in the Month view.
Show Untimed Events: Displays untimed events in the Month view
Show Daily Repeating Evts: Displays daily repeating events in the Month view.
Phone Lookup The Lookup screen is displayed. If there is an Address Book entry, you can look up the phone number of the selected item.
Security Hides the current record unless you enter the password. You can select the view option from Show Records, Mask Records, or Hide Records.
About Date Book Shows the version information for Date Book.