Modifying the settings for the Address Book entry
Adding a new category
You can add a new category if necessary.
Tap at the top right of the Address Book screen.
Tap Edit Categories from the list.
The Edit Categories dialog box is displayed.
Tap New.
The Edit Categories entry box is displayed.
Enter a new category name, then tap OK.
The newly entered name appears on the Edit Categories dialog box.
Tap OK.
Deleting a category
On the Edit Categories dialog box, tap the category that you want to delete.
Tap Edit Categories from the list.
Tap Delete.
The category you have tapped is deleted from the list.
Tap OK.
Settings for CLIE Organizer - Address Book
On the Address Book screen, tap , Options, then Preferences.
The Preferences dialog box is displayed.

Specify the following settings as required.
•  Remember Last Category: Determines how CLIE Organizer - Address Book looks when you return to it from another application. If you select this check box, Address Book shows the last category you selected.
•  Enable Tap-Dialing or Tap-E-Mail-Address: Jumps to the Dial Number screen by tapping on the phone number, or jumps to the Send with CLIE Mail screen by tapping on the e-mail address in the Address View screen.
•  List By: Specifies listing order of the address entries. You can select to list the entries by last name then first name, or company name then last name.
Tap OK.