Working with To Do List |  |
Setting the priority of an item
You can sort the tasks in your To Do List according to their importance or urgency. The priority is shown as a number and smaller numbers mean higher priority in To Do List (1 is the highest priority).
On the To Do List screen, tap the Priority number on the left side of the item and then tap the desired Priority number.
You can select a number from 1 to 5 in Priority (1 is the highest and 5 the lowest).
You can also set the priority from the To Do Item Details dialog box. See
Dividing To Do List items for details.
Dividing To Do List items
You can divide To Do List items in categories.
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Tap the text of an item that you want to divide into the category on the To Do List screen.
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Tap Details.
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Tap the arrow  to the right of Category and select the desired category.
The selected item is specified as the desired category.
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Tap OK.
Setting the due date for an item
You can sort the listed items based on the due dates.
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On the To Do List screen, tap the text of the item that you want to set a due date for.
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Tap Details.
The To Do Item Details dialog box is displayed.
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Tap the arrow  to the right of Due Date, and tap the desired due date from the drop-down list.
You can select from the following options:
Today: Assigns the current date.
Tomorrow: Assigns the next day.
One week later: Assigns the date after one week from the current date.
No Date: Assigns no due date.
Choose Date: Displays the Due Date dialog box. Select the desired due date from the displayed calendar.
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Tap OK.
If you select the Show Due Dates option in the To Do Preferences dialog box, you can directly tap the due date to select a desired date from the drop-down list. To display the To Do Preferences dialog box, tap Show on the To Do List screen.
Deleting an item
You can delete items from To Do List.
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On the To Do List screen, tap the text of the item that you want to delete.
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Tap Details.
The To Do Item Details dialog box is displayed.
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Tap Delete.
The Delete To Do dialog box is displayed.
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Tap OK to delete the item.
The selected event is deleted.
To cancel deletion, tap Cancel.
If you select the Save archive copy on PC check box, the deleted item will be saved to the Palm Desktop for CLIÉ software on your computer during the next HotSync® operation.
Changing the appearance of To Do List
You can change the appearance of To Do List.
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On the To Do List screen, tap Show.
The To Do Preferences dialog box is displayed.
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Change the To Do Preferences settings.
Sort by: Specifies the displayed order of To Do List items.
Priority, Due Date
Due Date, Priority
Category, Priority
Category, Due Date
Show Completed Items: Displays the completed items in To Do List. If you deselect this setting, your To Do items disappear from the list when you complete (check) them.
Show Only Due Items: Shows only the items that are currently due, past due, or have no due date specified. When this setting is active, undue items are not displayed on the list until their due date.
Record Completion Date: Replaces the due date with the actual date of completion. The completion date is recorded for all items including those that you have not assigned a due date.
Show Due Dates: Displays the due dates of items in To Do List. An exclamation mark is displayed to the left of items that are incomplete after the due date.
Show Priorities: Shows the priority for each item.
Show Categories: Shows the category for each item.
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Tap OK.