Handy Functions For Easy Browsing    
Miscellaneous Files
When files such as images are saved in a storage media, these files are categorized by file format. Categories indicate the extensions (the last characters of the file name).
Open the files saved in a storage media as follows.
1 Tap the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title tab of the browsing screen to display the menu bar.
2 Tap [Open] and then [File] to display the "File" page.
3 Tap in "File" to display the pull-down menu with categories that NetFront supports.
4 Select a format from the pull-down menu ("All", "GIF", "JPG/JPEG", "PNG", "MNG", "HTML"). A list of files in the format appears.
5 Select a file and then tap [OK] to display it on the browsing screen.
NetFront may not be able to display files if they are too large.