Handy Functions For Easy Browsing    
Bookmark is a function for saving Webpage addresses. Adding bookmarks allows you browsing the Webpage without entering its address.
Check the [Auto-Cruise] check box in "Edit Bookmark" and execute Auto-cruise to automatically download the latest content of the Webpage.

Adding Bookmarks
Up to 200 pages can be bookmarked. Add a bookmark as follows.
1 Open a Webpage. You cannot add a bookmark when there is no Webpage displayed.
2 Tap the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title tab in the browsing screen to display the menu bar.
3 Tap [Edit] and then [Add Bookmark] to open the "Edit Bookmark" page.
4 Select the category and tap [OK] to add the bookmark.

Opening Bookmarks
Webpages in Bookmark are listed by their titles on the Bookmark screen. Check the list and open the Webpages as follows.

1 Tap the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title tab in the browsing screen to show the menu bar.
2 Tap [Open] and then [Bookmark] to open the "Bookmark" page. Check the list of bookmarks.
3 Tap at the upper right to show the pull-down category menu.
4 Select a category from the pull-down menu to view the bookmarks in the selected category.
5 Select a bookmark and tap [OK]. The Webpage is displayed in the browsing screen.
You can switch directly to another page from the "Enter Address", "Bookmark", "Page Memo", "File", or "History" pages. For example, tap next to the title tab in the "Enter Address" page to show the pull-down menu and switch directly to "Bookmark", "Page Memo", "File", or "History".

Items In The "Bookmark" Page
1. Title
The list of bookmarks. Tap one of the titles to browse the Webpage.
If the Webpage content is saved in the Cache while offline (disconnected), it switches to the browsing screen to display the page. If not, it opens a dialog to connect to the Internet for downloading.
If you set "Enable auto-dialing" in "NetFront Settings" as "ON", it automatically dials and connects to the Internet without showing the dialog.
2. Categories
The categories of bookmarks. You can add up to 15 bookmark categories besides "All", "Unfiled", and "Edit Category..." You cannot edit "All", "Unfiled", and "Edit Category..." Other categories can be edited in "Edit Bookmark".
3. [OK] button
Downloads the Webpage for the selected bookmark. If no bookmark is selected, it closes the "Bookmark" page (same as tapping the [Cancel] button).
4. [Cancel] button
Closes the "Bookmark" page and returns to the browsing screen.
5. [Edit] icon
Select a bookmark and tap the [Edit] icon ( ) to open "Edit Bookmark". Check the [Auto-Cruise] check box for a bookmark to automatically update its page content by Auto-cruise. Close "Edit Bookmark" and return to the "Bookmark" page to display the [To Auto-Cruise] icon () next to the bookmark title designated for Auto-cruise. This icon changes to [Auto-Cruised] icon () when the latest content has been downloaded.

Editing Bookmarks
Change bookmark details in "Edit Bookmark".
1 Tap the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title tab in the browsing screen to show the menu bar
2 Tap [Open] and then [Bookmark] to open the "Bookmark" page.
3 Select the bookmark to be changed, and tap the [Edit] icon () to open the "Edit Bookmark" page.

Items In The "Edit Bookmark" Page
1. Title
The name of the bookmark. The Webpage title is automatically entered when you tapped [Add Bookmark].
2. Address (URL)
Displays the Webpage address. The page address is automatically entered when you tapped [Add Bookmark].
3. Category
Tap and select a bookmark category from the pull-down menu. To edit categories, tap "Edit Category..." at the bottom of the pull-down menu.
4. Auto-Cruise
Specify whether to download the latest content of the page by Auto-cruise. Checking the box shows the [To Auto-Cruise] icon () on the left of the bookmark. If you do not want to update the content, do not check the box. If you turn it off, the updated content by Auto-cruise is then deleted.
5. [OK] button
Saves the bookmark or changes and closes "Edit Bookmark".
6. [Cancel] button
Closes the "Edit Bookmark" page without saving the content entered.

Deleting Bookmarks
Delete a bookmark as follows.
1 Tap the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title tab of the browsing screen to display the menu bar.
2 Tap [Open] and then [Bookmark] to open the "Bookmark" page.
3 Select the bookmark to be deleted, and then tap the [Delete] icon. ()