Setting Up    
Browsing Screen
This screen is used to open and browse Webpages. Use the items and icons on tool bars in the browsing screen (3. - 14. in the figure) to operate NetFront. The tool bar icons change depending on the communication status, such as online or offline.
Reference "Browsing Webpages"

Items In The Browsing Screen
1. Title tab
The title of Webpage displayed.
2. Hyperlink
Text or images linked to other items. Tap here to open the linked Webpage or download a file.
3. [Back] icon
Returns to the previous page.
4. [Forward] icon
Proceeds to the next page.
5. [Stop] icon
Stops downloading.
6. [Refresh] icon
Connects to the Internet to download the latest content of the Webpage currently displayed.
7. [Online/Offline] icon
Indicates whether online () or offline (). Tap while online (connected) to disconnect from the Internet. Tap while offline (disconnected) to start connecting to the Internet.
8. [Change Views] icon
Switches between "Show As It Is" (), "Zoom Out" (), and "Wrap Content" modes (). For details of "Change Views", refer to "Views".
9. [Show This Frame] icon
Displays only the selected frame of framed page in the full screen mode. NetFront connects to the Internet before displaying in order to download the latest content. Tap [Back] icon ( ) to go back to the framed page.
10. [Open] icon
Opens one of "Edit Bookmark", "Edit Page Memo", "File", "History", and "Enter Address" that has been opened last time. It displays a pull-down menu and switches to the respective page.
11. [Auto-Cruise] icon
Starts Auto-cruising.
Reference "Auto-Cruise"
12. [Change Tap Modes] icon
Switches "Tap and Scroll" mode to tap and scroll and "Select Area" mode to select the text. The default mode after installation is "Select Area". When you exit from NetFront, the Tap Mode is set to "Select Area", regardless of the mode you set here.
13. [Security] icon
The lock icon indicates that the page uses SSL, the encrypted communication.
14. [Progress] icon
This animated icon indicates that a Webpage is now being downloaded.

Changing The Browsing Screen Size
Tapping the arrows ( ) at the bottom of the screen enlarges or reduces the browsing screen.

NetFront allows Web browsing in three different modes.
* "Show As It Is" mode
Displays Webpages in the original layout on the browsing screen.
* "Wrap Content" mode
Changes the layout of images and tables to fit them in the browsing screen. It wraps text by adjusting to the width of the screen. The font size is smaller than the "Show As It Is" mode.
* "Zoom Out" mode
Displays images and tables by reducing them to 50%. The font size is the smallest in these three modes.
·  When you restart NetFront, it initially displays the Webpage last browsed and using the changed display mode.

About Displaying Content
·  Images in formats other than those NetFront is capable of displaying (GIF, JPEG, PNG, MNG) or being downloaded, or if you set "Images"/"Animations" as "OFF" in "NetFront Settings", they are displayed as icons instead of the actual image.
·  Images will be displayed as icons if there is insufficient memory, even when NetFront supports the image format.
·  To display specific pages ("Enter Address", "Bookmark", "Page Memo", "File", "History", "NetFront Settings") on an enlarged browsing screen, the screen size is automatically reduced.

Some Webpages have partitions, called "Frames", within the page.
The framed Webpages show different content in each frame. In some Webpages, tapping a text in a frame changes the content of other framed pages, helping you browsing them conveniently.
"Show This Frame"
Tap one frame of the Webpage ("Focus") and tap the [Show This Frame] icon ( ) to display the focused page as one page in the full screen.
The [Show This Frame] icon for pages with no frames is in gray ( ) . Tapping it does not alter the display.

Menu Bar
Tapping the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title of the browsing screen displays the menu bar. You can open Webpages or manage stored data with this menu bar.