Checking schedules
Displaying the Day view
Use the Day View to display and check events for the specified day.

Tap Applications tab, and tap the Date Book application icon from the Applications screen.
Today’s schedule is displayed.
Rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator to display the events for yesterday or tomorrow.
You can display the schedule for the specified day and time.
To change the Date Book view
In addition to displaying the time list for the specified day, you can also display a week, a month, or an agenda.
To display the next view, press the Jog Dial™ navigator.
You can also select the Date Book view by tapping an icon on the Date Book screen.
Tap one of the following icons to show the corresponding calendar view:
•  : Day view
•  : Week view
•  : Month view
•  : Agenda view
Displaying the Week view
Week view displays a calendar of your events for the entire week. This view lets you quickly review your appointments and available time slots. In addition, the graphical display helps you spot overlapping appointments in your schedule.

Tap Applications tab, and tap the Date Book application icon from the Applications screen.
Press the Jog Dial™ navigator or tap the Week view icon.
The Week view is displayed. Untimed events are also displayed in the Week view.

Rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator to select the day that you want to review.
To select the next day, rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator.
Press the Jog Dial™ navigator.
The details of the selected day are displayed.
•  To reschedule an appointment while in the Week view, tap and drag the event to a different time or day.
•  Tap a blank time on any day. You can move to that time on the selected day to schedule a new event.
•  Tap any day or date that appears at the top of the Week view to move directly to that day without selecting an event or a specific time.
•  The Week view displays the interval defined by the Start Time and End Time in the Date Book Preferences settings. If you have an appointment before or after this interval, a bar appears at the top or bottom of the day’s column. Use the on-screen scroll arrows to scroll to the appointment.
To view the details of an appointment
Tap the time bar to view the details of an appointment.

To spot overlapping appointments
You can see overlapping appointments in the Week view as overlapping time bars and in the Day view as overlapping brackets to the left of the conflicting times.

Displaying the Month view
The Month view screen shows which days have appointments scheduled. Dots and lines in the Month view indicate events, recurring events, and untimed events.

Tap Applications tab, and tap the Date Book application icon from the Applications screen.
Press the Jog Dial™ navigator or tap the Month view icon.
The Month view screen is displayed.

Rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator to select the day that you want to review.
To select the next day, rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator.
Press the Jog Dial™ navigator.
The details of the selected day are displayed.
•  Tap the day in the Month view that you want to display in the Day view.
•  Tap the scroll arrows in the upper right corner to move forward or backward a month.
•  Tap Go To to display the Go To Date dialog box to select a different month.
•  Press the left or right button on your CLIÉ™ handheld to move between months. Press the left button to display the previous month, or right button to display the next month.
•  You can change the appearance settings for dots and lines used to indicate schedules on the Month view. See Display Options in “Date Book menu items” for details.
Displaying the Agenda view
The Agenda view shows you your appointments, untimed appointments, and To Do List items in a single screen. You can use the Agenda view to check off completed To Do List items and also to check the detailed information of an appointment.

Tap Applications tab, and tap the Date Book application icon from the Applications screen.
Press the Jog Dial™ navigator or tap the Agenda view icon.
The Agenda view screen is displayed. Today’s schedule and To Do List is displayed.

Rotate the Jog Dial™ navigator to select the day that you want to view.
•  Tap any appointment while in Agenda view to display the Day view for the appointment.
•  Check off completed To Do List items in the Agenda view, or tap a description of an item to go directly into the To Do List application.
Changing Date and Time view
Tap and hold the date in the title bar of Date Book.
The current time is displayed.

When you release the stylus, the menu bar appears. If you want to avoid displaying the menu when releasing the stylus, drag the stylus away from the date indication after the current time appears.