Changing the screen view
Day, Week, Month, or 6 month view
Tap one of the following icons:
: Displays the Day view.
: Displays the Week view.
: Displays the Month view.
: Displays the 6 month view.
•  When you tap the day on the Week, Month, or 6 month view, the Day view when you tapped is displayed.
When you tap the month on the 6 month view, the Month view when you tapped is displayed.
•  Tap the Change view arrow at the top of the screen, or press left or right button of the Jog Dial™ navigator on your CLIÉ™ handheld to display the next or previous screen.
Tip for the Week view
You can show/hide the (Recurrence), (Alarm), (Note), or (Free Note Link) icon displayed on the Week view. See Week View Prefs in "Options menu".
Tip for the Month view
You can change the indicator (dots, icon, text, or none) for representing the event on the Month view. See Month View Prefs from the Options menu of CLIE Organizer - Date Book menu items.