CLIE Organizer - Free Notes menu items
This section describes the menu commands specific to CLIE Organizer - Free Notes. For menu items common to other CLIE applications, see “Common menu items” in the Handbook provided with your CLIÉ™ handheld.
Free Notes screen
Page menu
Beams the displayed Free Notes item to another CLIÉ™ handheld via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Sends the displayed Free Notes item to another CLIÉ™ handheld using the Bluetooth® wireless technology. [Details]
(for models containing the Bluetooth® wireless technology only)
Options menu
Setup Of Colors
Displays the Setup Of Colors dialog box. [Details]
CLIE Organizer Prefs
Displays the CLIE Organizer Preferences dialog box.
•  Assign to Home: Starts CLIE Organizer.
•  Back select tab: Press the Back button to change the selected tab.
About CLIE Organizer
Shows the version information for CLIE Organizer.
Edit screen
Page menu
Beam Page
Beams the selected Free Notes item to another CLIÉ™ handheld via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Send Page
Sends the selected Free Notes item to another CLIÉ™ handheld using Bluetooth® wireless technology. [Details]
(for models containing the Bluetooth® wireless technology only)
Options menu
Setup Of Colors
Displays the Setup Of Colors dialog box. [Details]
CLIE Organizer Prefs
Displays the CLIE Organizer Prefs dialog box.
•  Assign to Home: Starts CLIE Organizer.
•  Back select tab: Press the Back button to change the selected tab.
About CLIE Organizer
Shows the version information for CLIE Organizer.