Handy Functions For Easy Browsing    
The "Auto-Cruise" function connects to the Internet and automatically downloads the latest content of bookmarks specified as "Auto-Cruise".

How To Specify "Auto-Cruise"
Check the [Auto-Cruise] check box in "Edit Bookmark". If you set a category for a bookmark, you can Auto-cruise its latest content by "Auto-cruise by Category".
The icon () shown next to the title indicates that the bookmark is specified for Auto-cruise.
Reference "Editing Bookmarks"

Starting "Auto-Cruise"
Tap the [Auto-Cruise] icon () in the browsing screen to start downloading Webpage content that is specified for Auto-cruise in "Edit Bookmark".
By Auto-cruise, only bookmarked pages are downloaded; not linked pages.

Content Downloaded By Auto-Cruise
For a bookmark that has been downloaded, the icon next to its title changes from) to (). Tap the title to browse the page. Once the content downloaded is deleted, the icon changes to ().
Reference "Deleting Downloaded Content"
When the [Auto-Cruise] check box is turned off, the content downloaded by Auto-cruise is deleted.

Deleting Downloaded Content
Bookmarks marked for Auto-cruise are updated each time Auto-cruise is run. If you delete the downloaded content, NetFront shows the [To Auto-Cruise]icon () for the bookmark.
1 Tap the [Menu] icon of CLIÉ handheld or the title tab in the browsing screen to display the menu bar.
2 Tap [Open] and then [Bookmark] to display the "Bookmark" page.
3 Tap the title tab of the "Bookmark" page to display the menu bar.
4 Tap [Edit] and then [Mark All As "To Auto-Cruise"] to display the dialog to confirm deletion.
5 Tap [OK] to delete. All of the downloaded page content is deleted and the icons in "Bookmark" change from "Auto-Cruised" to "To Auto-Cruise".