NetFront v3.0 for CLIE
Operation Guide

At The Outset
What is NetFront v3.0 for CLIE?
Before You Use

Setting Up

Before Installation
Checking Memory Space
Setting To Connect To The Internet

NetFront Settings
NetFront Settings (1/4 [Display/Advanced])
NetFront Settings (2/4 [Connections])
NetFront Settings (3/4 [Home Settings])
NetFront Settings (4/4 [BACK Button])

Connecting To Communication Equipment

Starting NetFront

Browsing Screen
Menu Bar

Browsing Webpages

Browsing Modes
Online Browsing
Offline Browsing

Connecting To / Disconnecting From The Internet

How To Open Webpages
Entering Address

SSL (Encrypted Communications)


Handy Functions For Easy Browsing

Webpage Information - "Properties"

Adding Bookmarks
Opening Bookmarks
Editing Bookmarks
Deleting Bookmarks

Page Memo
Saving Pages (Page Memo)
Opening Page Memos

Saving Images
Saving Images In Webpage Content
Opening Saved Images

Miscellaneous Files

Selecting External Memory

How To Specify "Auto-Cruise"
Starting "Auto-Cruise"
Content Downloaded By Auto-Cruise
Deleting Downloaded Content

Server Certificates

Searching Page

Clearing The Memory
Clearing The Cache
Deleting History

Trouble Shooting

NetFront does not start

Cannot connect to the Internet

Cannot display Webpages

Takes too long to display Webpages

Some part of or the entire Webpage is not displayed

Graphical image is not displayed

Images are displayed poorly

Cannot save images

Webpages look like different from PC's

Some of "another window" can be opened but others cannot

The horizontal scroll bar is displayed in the "Wrap Content" mode

The browsing screen changes its size

The Active Input area is not displayed

Cannot delete downloaded or saved files

Have a difficulty to input text in the browsing screen

Auto-Cruise is cancelled

"Memory Stick" insertion or removal is not detected