CLIE Organizer - Address Book menu items
This section describes the menu commands specific to CLIE Organizer - Address Book. For menu items common to other CLIE applications, see “Common menu items” in the Handbook provided with your CLIÉ™ handheld.
The Record and Options menus differ depending on whether you are displaying the Address List screen or the Address View screen.
Record menu
Delete Address
(Address View only)
Deletes the current Address Book entry. [Details]
Duplicate Address
(Address Edit screen only)
Copies the current Address Book entry. [Details]
Beam Category
(List view only)
Sends all the current Address Book entries to another Palm-OS® device via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Send Category
(List view only)
Sends all the currently selected address entries in the currently selected category to another CLIÉ™ handheld via Bluetooth® wireless technology. [Details]
(for models containing the Bluetooth® wireless technology only)
Beam Address
(Address View and Address Edit screen)
Sends the current Address Book entry to another Palm-OS® device via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Send Address
(Address View and Address Edit screen)
Sends the currently selected address entry to another CLIÉ™ handheld via Bluetooth® wireless technology. [Details]
(for models containing the Bluetooth® wireless technology only)
Beams the phone number information entered on the selected address entry to a GSM mobile phone and dials the phone number. The Dial Number screen appears. [Details]
Export Address
(Address View and Address Edit screen)
Copies the current Address Book entry onto "Memory Stick™" media. The file is saved in the vCard format. [Details]
Attach Note
Attaches the note on the current Address Book entry. The screen for creating a note is also displayed. [Details]
Delete Note
Deletes a note attached on the current Address Book entry. [Details]
Primary Contact
(Address Edit screen only)
Selects the item displayed on the Address Book screen. [Details]
Set for Business Card
(Address View and Address Edit screen)
Defines the current address entry on a business card. [Details]
Beam Business Card
Sends the current business card to another CLIÉ™ handheld via the infrared communications port. [Details]
Import Address
(List view only)
Copies the vCard-format file from "Memory Stick™" media to the Address Book entry. [Details]
Options menu
You can select a desired font in the Select Font dialog box.
(List view only)
Specifies the settings for CLIE Organizer - Address Book. [Details]
Rename Custom Fields
These custom fields appear at the end of the Address View screen. Rename them to identify the kind of information you enter in them.
The names you give the custom fields appear in all entries.
(List view only)
Protects the data on CLIE Organizer - Address Book. For details, see "Protecting your data with a password" in Handbook.
CLIE Organizer Prefs
Displays the CLIE Organizer Prefs dialog box.
•  Assign to Home: Starts CLIE Organizer.
•  Back select tab: Press the Back button to change the selected tab.
About CLIE Organizer
Shows the version information for CLIE Organizer.